Ludmila Melnikoff

Living Life on my Terms
Author's Insight
I live in a serene little harbour side village of Hardy’s Bay on the Central Coast of NSW in Australia. After a very full and adventurous life, meeting people from all walks of life (not all of them decent), I am now enjoying a peaceful existence.
Soon, I am moving again – this time to my “forever home” – a brand-new penthouse in the 6-star Rumbalara Residences in Gosford, Central Coast NSW. The complex is like an upmarket resort with a beautiful pool, beauty salon, coffee shop, walking paths, stunning views across Brisbane Waters, golf facilities, a private cinema, wine cellar and massive dining room for private parties. It’s the perfect alternative to a “retirement home”.
The love of my life is an adorable Shiba Inu called Ragnar (named after Ragnar in the “Vikings” series). He is very loving, feisty and super smart – he, as well as my family, got me through the most brutal and anguishing times during my recent separation.
I am excited about this new chapter in my life and so thrilled that my memoir For The Love Of Russian Gold has finally been published by a US publisher, Koehler Books. It’s a dream come true, and I can’t wait for it to be released for everyone to read!
I was born in Australia of Russian aristocracy. Lured by the home of my ancestors, I travelled to Russia in 1989 after Gorbachev opened up the country to foreign investment. I “found” Lenzoloto, a local Siberian gold mining project which had mining rights to the world’s largest gold deposit – at the time a State secret; found Ian MacNee, an international mining magnate; nurtured the negotiations; helped frame the exciting joint venture and attracted Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s future Prime Minister.
I had no idea what wide roller coaster ride I was about to embark on involving an ill-fated love story, Yeltsin, Putin, the KGB, Russian mafia, death threats and synthetic drugs. At the end of the amazing, and, at times, shocking saga I decided to pen my exotic tale called For The Love Of Russian Gold, to be released in April 2025, which will be the most exciting event in my very colourful life!